Posoški razvojni center
Računalniška učilnica, Posoški razvojni center
Trg tigrovcev 1, 5220 Tolmin, Slovenia

Open to public
Posoški razvojni center
How can AI help us work and learn? The workshop will take place in the computer lab at the Posoce Development Centre. You can also bring your laptop. We will learn about and try out various tools that will become indispensable in our daily lives: – chatbots (Chat GPT, Gemini, Copilot) and command optimisation – learning applications – presentation preparation tool – image and video generation tool – instruction preparation tool – text analysis tool (Notebook) You must have access to your email to participate. For more information: Anja Colja, anja.colja@prc.si or 05 38 41 512.