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Municipality of Nicosia

Platia Spyridaki, Archiepiskopou Makariou Avenue

Archiepiskopou Makariou III, Nicosia, Cyprus

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Municipality of Nicosia

Erasmus+ Nicosia Festival

The Municipality of Nicosia and the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programs (IDEP) are organizing an “Erasmus + Festival”, in the context of the successful #ErasmusDays, on Saturday 19 October 2024 at Makariou Avenue, Spyridaki Square from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Organizations active in Erasmus+ programs will participate in the event and they will present the possibilities offered by the Erasmus+ program. At the same time, there will be music, dance, entertainment, games and activities for young and old. Let’s all celebrate together and promote skills across Europe!

The aim of the “Erasmus Festival” and more generally of the #Erasmusdays 2024, is the promotion of Erasmus+, the EU program for education, training, youth and sport, which aims to strengthen skills and employability! Entry Free!