Mecidiye MEV Secondary School
Mecidiye MEV Secondary School
Paşa, 3. Sokak no 38/1, Akhisar/Manisa, Türkiye
Open to public
Mecidiye MEV Secondary School
Between April 29th and May 6th, 2024, within the scope of the project accredited by the Manisa Provincial Directorate of National Education titled “Bridging The Learning Gaps Through Flipped Classroom Model,” project mobility was carried out. During the project, information was acquired regarding the Austrian education system. The physical facilities of the school were observed, and information about current digital applications was obtained. Observations were particularly made regarding the integration of the Flipped Classroom Model in foreign language classes. Since Vienna hosts various cultures, the school we visited for mobility had different student profiles. Information was obtained about the inclusive educational activities provided to students with different profiles at the school. Ideas were gathered on how students address their learning gaps and how they utilize digital technologies in this context, and good practices were noted. We will give a presentation to our local environment and share our experiences