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Fachschule Schloss Stein – Schloss Steiner Erasmus+ Café

Fachschule Schloss Stein

Petzelsdorf 1, Petzelsdorf bei Fehring, Austria

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Fachschule Schloss Stein – Schloss Steiner Erasmus+ Café

The planned Schloss Steiner Erasmus+ Café aims to provide a platform for students who have taken part in group and individual exchanges as part of Erasmus+ to share and reflect on their experiences. The event begins with a central presentation or video in which the participants present their experiences to a wider audience. Small groups are then formed in which the students can gain in-depth insights into specific aspects of the exchange at various stations. Topics include personal experiences during the exchange, the general possibilities of Erasmus+ at the school, as well as practical tips on the process and the necessary steps for future participants. The aim is not only to impart knowledge through this structured interaction, but also to promote exchange among the students and strengthen their motivation for international mobility.