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Dwujęzyczne Liceum Uniwersyteckie im. Stanisława Barańczaka w Rzeszowie

Dwujęzyczne Liceum Uniwersyteckie im. Stanisława Barańczaka w Rzeszowie

Ambrożego Towarnickiego 3, Rzeszów, Poland

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Dwujęzyczne Liceum Uniwersyteckie im. Stanisława Barańczaka w Rzeszowie

Fair play in sport – online activities with schools from Macedonia and Cyprus. Students will be working on ZOOM platform, divided in groups of 6 (two per each country) and their task will be to create a fair play story based on provided key words. Next, they will need to find out (on the internet) if their version of the story is close to the real one. Finally, we are going to have a discusion on fair play to establish why it is important.