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Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras

Arsakeio School of Patras (Center of Science)

Agias Paraskevis, Platani Riou, Greece

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Arsakeio Lyceum of Patras

There will take place a multiplier event in our school that will implement the piloting in order to spread the results and the 3D VWLE to the general public. The multiplier event activities are estimated to reach more than 30 people school, which we will calculate for. Many of the school’s staff will contribute in kind to the multiplier event to organize it as well as by participating in presentations. Some costs are needed for the catering and the dissemination of the event. However, as we apply green project management practices will not be costs for banners and leaflets, only some (5) posters and some prints of QR codes where the participants will be able to reach all the information about the project.