from October 12 - 2023 to October 13 - 2023

Thank you, Erasmus+!

Scoala Gimnaziala Bethlen Gábor

School education

Meeting, open house, exhibition

Tags: Digital competencies and literacy

Start time: 08:00 End time: 18:00

This event of our institution is an exhibition enriching the Erasmus+ wall of the school. It is also a project dissemination event as the participant kids in mobilities during the last school year will write a thank you letter to Erasmus+ expressing their gratefulness and thoughts about the program they took part in, also mentioning the facts they liked the best in the activities and attaching a photo taken by themselves.
The letters will be posted on the Erasmus wall on the corridor of the school so that all the other pupils can see them.

Event venue


537135, Lazarea