from October 12 - 2023


Gradinita cu Program Prelungit "Dumbrava Minunata" Fieni

School education

Conference, presentation, round table

Other event

Tags: Digital competencies and literacy

Start time: 10:00 End time: 12:00

The first part of the activity:
The teachers will develop a short demonstrative activity with the children, using new technologies (STEM educational robots, interactive books and interactive pens). Some parents will participate in the activity.
The second part of the activity:
There will be a dissemination regarding the implementation of our Erasmus+ projects. Parents and teachers will participate.
The children will release helium blue baloons in the kindergarten courtyard.

Event venue

Grădinița cu Program Prelungit "Dumbrava Minunată" Fieni

Str. Teilor no.14, Fieni, Romania
135100, Fieni