from October 13 - 2023

SMARTherapy+ Smart learning for gait physiotherapy – a standardized tool for health higher education in Europe

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano

Higher education

Conference, presentation, round table

Tags: Health

Start time: 10:00 End time: 13:00

How are technology and robotics changing the field of rehabilitation? During this event (held in Italian), the state of the art and knowledge of gait function and new therapeutic perspectives will be presented by experts who are already using emerging technologies to improve gait rehabilitation. It is aimed at physiotherapy students, professionals and academic teachers. The results of the Erasmus+ project ‘SMARTherapy+ - Smart learning for gait physiotherapy – a standardized tool for health higher education in Europe’ will also be presented.

Event venue

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano- Aula Magna

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133, Milan