from October 09 - 2023

Sharing knowledge – Reggio Emilia concept

Vrtec "Otona Župančiča" Slovenska Bistrica

School education

Meeting, open house, exhibition

Tags: Inclusion & diversity

Start time: 17:00 End time: 18:00

By working together, professional workers can improve their teaching practices and ensure the best possible experience for children in kindergarten. Therefore, in the framework of the Erasmus+ project - Implementing innovative approaches of the Reggio Emilia concept and Erasmus days, the professionals workers of the Poljčane unit will dissiminate their own practice of Reggio Emilia planning to the professional workers of the Prihova and Kebelj units.

Event venue

Večnamenski prostor v vrtcu Poljčane

Dravinjska cesta 28,
2319 Poljčane , Poljčane