from October 09 - 2023

Let’s talk about Erasmus: Talent Academy


Vocational training

Testimonies, meetings, open house

Tags: Other

Start time: 09:30 End time: 12:00

EPVT is hosting 16 Danish students who are taking part in an Erasmus project, Talent Academy, for two weeks. They are all studying gastronomy. These students are very motivated and wanting to learn more about the various local products and production methods. Meeting to present the partnership with the Danish school. Presentation of gastronomy students and accompanying teachers from the Danish partner, Kold Kollege. Testimonials from all the participants about the Erasmus Talent Academy Project. Talk about the Erasmus experience in Portugal.

Event venue


Largo Pedro Álvares Cabral 1, 2000-091 Santarem, Portugal
2000-091, Santarém