from October 10 - 2023

Europako ateak zabalik – Europe’s open doors

Conservatorio Profesional de Música Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga

School education

Conference, presentation, round table

Testimonies, meetings, open house

Tags: Culture & heritage, Ecology

Start time: 10:00 End time: 13:00

Pentsakeran, ezagutzan eta gaitasunetan ditugun mugak gainditzen lagungarri zaigu Europako beste profesionalekin elkarlanean aritzea. Beren gogoko lanbidean profesional bikainak izan daitezen, Erasmusek ikasleei ematen dizkien aukerak ezagutarazteko egunak izango dira.

Cooperation with other professionals in Europe helps us to overcome our limitations on thought, knowledge and skills. In order for them to be excellent professionals in their favorite profession, there will be days to make the opportunities that Erasmus gives students known.

Event venue

BELE Escuela de Luthería

Ibarrekolanda Plaza 1
48015, Bilbao