from October 09 - 2023

DFG Erasmus 2023

Deák Ferenc Bilingual High School

School education

Conference, presentation, round table

Tags: Ecology

Start time: 14:00 End time: 16:00

The Deák Ferenc Bilingual High School organizes a dissemination event about local sustainability, the focus of our project. We invite teachers from our institution and teachers from the area, we are going to learn about sustainability,share our own good practices and experiences and learn about eTwinning. || A Deák Ferenc Két Tanítási Nyelvű Gimnázium ismeretterjesztő rendezvényt szervez a projektünk középpontjában álló helyi fenntarthatóságról.

Event venue

Szegedi Deák Ferenc Gimnázium

József Attila sugárút 118-120
6723, Szeged