from October 12 - 2023

Code Week & Erasmus Day’s Workshops


School education

Meeting, open house, exhibition

Tags: Digital competencies and literacy

Start time: 15:00 End time: 17:00

On October 12th, at Caramagna Piemonte Secondary School (IC CAVALLERMAGGIORE), our students will engage in a series of workshops designed to celebrate Code Week. Subsequently, from October 23rd to 29th in Romania, students will present their work during a lesson they'll hold for their Portuguese, Catalan, Polish and Romanian friends as part of the Erasmus+ ka229 N.E.E.D.S. (New Education Era of Digital Skills) project. It will be a STEAM growth chance for Italian students, but also an incredible opportunity to increase their social skills!

Event venue

Scuola secondaria di 1° grado

Piazza Castello, 12
12030, Caramagna Piemonte