Zakladni skola, Bilina, Lidicka 31/18, okres Teplice
Primary school - Základní škola, Bílina, Lidická 31/18
Lidická 31, 418 01 Bílina 1-Mostecké Předměstí, Czech Republic

Open to public
Zakladni skola, Bilina, Lidicka 31/18, okres Teplice
As part of our ErasmusDay, we will organize an exhibition of pupils’ pictures on the topic of Opportunities in the European Union and the possibilities of Erasmus, which will be preceded by presentations by teachers (from 10.10 to 14.10.2024) who have participated in language courses abroad as part of Erasmus. Parents will also be able to see the presentation and exhibition of pictures on 15 October 2024.