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Szkoła Podstawowa nr 38 im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Zespole Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 5 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi i Specjalnymi w Sosnowcu

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 38 im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Zespole Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 5 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi i Specjalnymi w Sosnowcu

Bohaterów Monte Cassino 46, Sosnowiec, Poland

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Szkoła Podstawowa nr 38 im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Zespole Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 5 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi i Specjalnymi w Sosnowcu

The event is going to take place in our school. We are going to organize activities for our students based on thr following topics: 1) European Union values – 15.10.2024 • we play a video for students about the European Union and its values. After the viewing, as part of the summary, students name the values promoted in the European Union. Write a set of values on the board so that everyone has constant access to it; Examples of values: dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, human rights, pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity, peace, stability, scientific and technological progress, social justice, protection of children’s rights, rule of law, community, security, sustainable development, economic cohesion, respect between nations, free and fair trade, fight against poverty, ecology, gender equality, honesty, tradition, etc. • we give stones to students (as a symbol of durability, stability and reliability); students write on the stones of the European Union values in Polish and English (they can use their phones while translating expressions); • From the collected stones, we arrange the inscription European Union, stick it on a pad (something like plexiglass) and present it on the first day of Erasmus Days on a table in the central point of the school. Photos and a short description about the action will be posted on Facebook on October 15th. 2) European Union countries and partner schools – 16.10.2024 • we present a video about the European Union; After watching, as a summary, students name the Member States; write on the board; • we show a presentation to students about the partner schools from the current project; we present the benefits of membership in the European Union; • we give students tasks (quizzes, rebuses, crosswords); students solve the tasks. On each worksheet, students draw the flag of the country mentioned in the task. The worksheets will be in A5 size and we will use them to decorate students’ lockers. On the door, we will stick a worksheet with an inscription like: Read before you open / Did you know that…? Photos and a short description about the action to be posted on Facebook 16 October 2024 3) Actions related to our current project “”Stay eco aware”. Enhancing ecological awarness of primary school students with particular emphasis on students with special needs. – 17.10.2024 • Students prepare eco games and toys; students will play among themselves; all items and their descriptions will be shared on Padlet, creating an international gallery where students will be able to admire the work of others, exchange ideas and enjoy their ecological creations. • We make an exhibition in the central point of the school – games made by our students and their peers from La Salle Palencia (partner school), we decorate them with flags and prepare a short description;Photos and a short description about the action to be posted on Facebook 17 October 2024 4) Languages in the European Union – 18.10.2024 • we solve quizzes about European languages with students; The examples: Wordwall – games and activities about countries and languages https://wordwall.net/pl-pl/community/europejski-dzie-jzykw https://wordwall.net/pl-pl/community/kraje-i-jzyki-europy YouTube – information about the European Day of Languages and a quiz “What is this language? – European languages” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ohrc2a9OYMY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3UGf56wfmk • we distribute flags of European countries to students with a space to write “Good morning” in the language that is spoken in a given country; Students use Google Translate to fill in the gaps; Completed flags are stuck on student lockers. Photos and a short description about the action to be posted on Facebook 18 October 2024