Sindicat de treballadors i treballadores de l’ensenyament del País Valencià – Intersindical Valenciana (STEPV-Iv)
Cami del Realengo, S/N, 46740 Carcaixent, Valencia, Spain

Open to public
Sindicat de treballadors i treballadores de l’ensenyament del País Valencià – Intersindical Valenciana (STEPV-Iv)
The main objective of the event is to raise awareness of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ programme to improve the preparation of young people for the challenges of the world of work. Through this programme, participants will be able to access international experiences that favour their personal and professional development, helping them to identify their purpose and successfully face the current challenges of the labour market. In addition, the main difficulties faced by young people in their transition to the world of work will be analysed and how Erasmus+ can be a key tool to overcome them.