Pyhäjoen lukio / Saaren koulu / Yppärin koulu / Pyhäjoen varhaiskasvatus
Koulutie 8, Pyhäjoki, Finland
Pyhäjoen lukio / Saaren koulu / Yppärin koulu / Pyhäjoen varhaiskasvatus
Some tasters of the week-long event: Schools (a daycare centre, a village primary and the comprehensive school) will take part in various tasks such as voting for an international dessert that will be cooked by the home economics classes. There is also a cooking and baking competition where by trying out a new international recipe and sharing the results on the Instagram you will win a prize of a cooking book. Erasmus+ coordinators will organise an Erasmus+ café where those who have taken part in mobilities will recruit others to participate too. The coordinators themselves will give a presentation on Erasmus+ possibilities, funding and organisation.