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Przedszkole nr 32 z Odzdiałami Integracyjnymi w Koninie, Fundacja Sukces Dziecka

Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury w Koninie.

Przemysłowa 3D, Konin, Poland

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Przedszkole nr 32 z Odzdiałami Integracyjnymi w Koninie, Fundacja Sukces Dziecka

PARALYMPIC GAMES FOR CHILDREN is an event organized by Kindergarten No. 32 with Integration Units and the Child Success Foundation. The main goal of the event is to promote physical activity among children with special needs. By various forms of games during event will create conditions for spontaneous and actionable movement of children with special needs. During the PARALYMPIC GAMES FOR CHILDREN – children can count for the help of their peers as volunteers it will create positive relationships and conditions for children’s integration.