Mezitli District National Education Directorate
Atatürk, Mezitli Hali, Mezitli/Mersin, Türkiye

Open to public
Mezitli District National Education Directorate
Survey on Evaluation of Teachers’ Participation in Erasmus+ Projects. There are approximately 70 preschools, primary schools, secondary schools and high schools under the responsibility of our directorate. Approximately 2,200 teachers work in these schools. Since the establishment of our directorate in 2008, approximately 10 percent of these teachers have participated in a face-to-face activity such as in-service training, course, education or job shadowing abroad by benefiting from an EU/Erasmus project. A survey will be conducted to measure the satisfaction of these participants, their participation, the quality of the activities or the contribution of such activities to their professional development. The results of this survey will be reported and shared with the public.