Maria Regina College
During School Year 2023/24, Maria Regina College had a plan to transform education by emphasising the importance of effective leadership, including every stakeholder whilst enhancing a cross curricular approach through STEAM and offering a better learning experience through outdoor learning. In fact, through the Centre for CPD and the Erasmus+ Accreditation, the college focused on S.O.I.L. and organised five courses and a group mobility throughout the scholastic year to train staff from all its primary schools on STEAM, Outdoor Learning, Inclusion and Leadership. During the national conference which will be held on the 17th October 2024, we want to share with various participants from the education sector the enrichment of these courses. The aim is to show how one can strengthen students’ abilities to be more creative and problem solvers, to be open to explore and accept different ideas, turn failures/challenges to opportunities and to the importance of communication in organisations. Participants will also have an exposure to project-based learning and outdoor learning activities and how these can be implemented in our curriculum. All the themes converge on the three pillars of the National Education Strategy 2024 30 since they impinge directly on Growth and Empowerment. Moreover outdoor learning helps also in the Wellbeing of both teachers and students. The focus on differentiated teaching tackles Inclusion directly.