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IES de Cox
Three days to make Europe shine in our school. Activities: Opening with a concert by the school band playing the Europe anthem. Day 1: A presentation directed to the 1 and 2 grade CSE students carried out by the students participants in Italy and France mobilities to share their experience in these countries developing their project. Day 2: A presentation directed to the 3 and 4 grade CSE students carried out by the students participants in Italy and France mobilities to share their experience in these countries developing their project. Day 3: A presentation directed to the Baccalaureate students and school teachers carried out by the participants mobilities around Europe to share their experience in these countries developing their project. To engage the students interested in participating in future mobilities, an enormous Europe flag will be displayed in which they will be able to post their personal data on it. A round table will be put into motion to share experiences asking and answering questions to generate feedback and curiosity. A concert will close the events.