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Wellbeing at Kinder – wellbeing for preschool and nursery school teachers We would like to invite you to an event dedicated to kindergarten teachers and nursery workers. “Wellbeing at Kinder” is a project created with you in mind – to support you in building wellbeing and mental resilience, relationships with children and their parents. Why it’s important. Nowadays, the role of the teacher is not limited to education – it is increasingly becoming the foundation of a child’s emotional development. That’s why it’s so important not only to take care of children, but also to take care of ourselves. Our mental well-being affects the quality of our work, relationships with children and their parents. Studies show that a balanced and cared for teacher translates into a calmer and happier group of preschoolers. What can you expect? During the event we will dive into topics such as: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) – building positive relationships in the spirit of empathy. Self-Regulation – how to better manage emotions in difficult situations. Mindfulness and Yoga – ways to relax and unwind Contact with nature – how nature affects human development and mental resilience. Positive and cognitive psychology – practical tools for working with children. During the meeting we will present a report on the international piloting of educational materials created in the project (a guidebook, exercises for the teacher and for working with children, and videos). Get inspired, take care of yourself and your preschoolers!