Directorate of Primary Education in Arta
Directorate of Primary Education in Arta (online conference)
Περιφερειακή Οδός Άρτας, Άρτα, Ελλάδα

Open to public
Directorate of Primary Education in Arta
D.I.P.E. Artas from the Eurodesk multiplier position he holds in a European network with information structures in 36 countries and with more than 1,500 national, local and regional partners will hold an online meeting in which they will present: a) the activity “Time to move 4 all » regarding youth mobility opportunities, b) the youth card, the youthpass and c) Eurodesk data management, representation and communication issues. The presentation will be enriched with photographic material and short videos of the experiences of those involved, in order to bring out feelings of creativity and excitement, thus encouraging the promotion of intercultural opportunities and the involvement of stakeholders at Eurodesk. The meeting will be broadcast simultaneously on Facebook & Instagram live on the profiles created within the Eurodesk communication policy.