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Colegiul Pentru Agricultura si Industrie Alimentara Tara Barsei Prehmer
Colegiul Pentru Agricultura si Industrie Alimentara Tara Barsei
Strada Brașovului 160A, Prejmer, Romania
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Colegiul Pentru Agricultura si Industrie Alimentara Tara Barsei Prehmer
This activity wants to attract as many students as possible who want to participate in the Erasmus+ projects for which the school is accredited. The 9th grade students will find out information about the Erasmus+ program, but also information, experiences, experiences offered by their older colleagues who had the opportunity to participate in such a project. Approximately 230 students from grades 9-10 will participate. At the end, the participants will send a message that will be posted on the work surface that will contain the letter E+.