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CIFP Portovello

CIFP Portovello

Rúa Luis Trabazos 1, Ourense, Spain

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CIFP Portovello

CIFP Portovello, is institution committed to delivering quality vocational education and training. Our mission is to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge required in their chosen careers. We offer a diverse range of programs that cater to various levels of professional training, from basic vocational education to higher education diplomas. We present the opportunities available through the Erasmus+ program. We provide the chance to undertake curricular internships in various European companies and organizations. Whether, basic vocational training, intermediate vocational training (VET), or higher education diplomas (HED), the students can gain international experience that will enhance their professional and personal development. Our commitment to internationalization also extends to our faculty. Teachers at CIFP Portovello can participate in international mobility programs, allowing them to receive and even deliver training abroad. This not only enriches their professional development but also brings fresh perspectives and innovative practices back t