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Aydın İl Millî Eğitim Müdürlüğü

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Adnan Menderes, Doğu Aydın Bulvarı, Efeler/Aydın, Türkiye

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Aydın İl Millî Eğitim Müdürlüğü

Erasmus+ “What’s in Your Backpack?” Series: We are going to invite participants to create short videos or social media posts showing what they would metaphorically “pack” in their Erasmus+ backpack based on what they gained from the experience. This is going to include intangible items like “confidence,” “friendships,” “cultural awareness,” or “professional skills.” The concept is to highlight the diverse and often unexpected benefits of Erasmus+ in a creative and relatable way. These videos will be compiled into a longer reel or shared as individual posts throughout Erasmus Days.