4th Lyceum of Iraklio Attica
4th Lyceum of Iraklio Attica
Kifisias 32, Heraklion, Greece

Open to public
4th Lyceum of Iraklio Attica
We are organizing a two day event. The first day is dedicated to our fellow teachers from around Attica and the second to the parents. An exhibition of what the Erasmus+ program has brought to our school and our activities so far will be run at the same time. The day dedicated to the teachers is organized round a presentation of how we designed the program, composed our application and proceeded to its implementation. An open discussion will follow. The education advisor of our area will also be invited. The day dedicated to the parents is organized as a workshop around the topic of our program which focuses on students’ wellbeing and how communication between parents and their children as well as between parents and teachers can actively contribute to that.